Welcome to Avon Central Coast

My intention is to share my Avon experience with those who would like to know more about the Avon Business.

What it can do for you and your family. Avon has been supporting women in business for almost 125 years.

Not many businesses can say that in this day and age.

Women's Empowerment Necklace

When you purchase the Women's Empowerment Necklace for yourself or your friends, you make a personal statement against domestic violence without saying a word – When you wear the Empowerment Necklace you share the message with everyone you meet. The small price of $3.99 will raise money that can help save the lives of women trapped in the cycle of domestic violence, and the message 
you will be wearing might just raise the awareness of someone 
who needs help.

  • Show your support
  • Show your solidarity
  • Wear the jewellery that will help change the world